Master of Arts in English Degree Plans
The English Department offers students two tracks leading to the Master of Arts degree:
- Track A – This thesis option is designed for students who anticipate pursuing graduate study beyond the Master’s degree. A student in Track A earns twenty-seven (27) semester credit hours in literature study with an emphasis in American, African American, or British literature. Additionally, the student earns an additional three (3) research hours in English 837 -- Thesis in Progress.
- Track B – This non-thesis option is designed to prepare candidates for entry into their respective professions. A student in Track B earns twenty-seven (27) semester credit hours with a generalist concentration in literary studies. With the approval of the Department Chair and the faculty advisor, the student will devote three credits to a “Directed Reading and Research” course, resulting in the completion of a final portfolio project.
Degree Requirements
To earn a Master’s degree in English under Track A (thesis option), a candidate must complete the following departmental requirements:
- Successfully complete thirty (30) hours of graduate work in English, including nine (9) hours of required core courses: English 502, 533, and 638; eighteen (18) hours of elective courses in African American, American, and British literature; and at least three (3) hours in English 837 -- Thesis in Progress.
- Submit all forms by the prescribed deadlines -- i.e. candidacy form, Declaration to sit for Comprehensive Exam, Thesis Title and Committee, graduation application
- Submit an acceptable thesis based on an investigation of a subject approved by both the English Department and the University Graduate School
- Schedule and successfully defend the thesis before a committee of graduate faculty advisors
- Submit final signature paperwork and final thesis to the University Graduate School by the prescribed deadline.
- Submit final signature paperwork and final portfolio to the English Department Chair and to the University Graduate School by the prescribed deadline.
Master of Arts in English Two-Year Matriculation Plan
Full-time students can complete the MA English Program within two years. The following recommendations will facilitate students’ timely graduation: student is expected to accomplish the following during the first year:
- Schedule time to confer with the Graduate English Program Director for advising on specific requirements, including a degree plan and requisite forms.
- Identify a faculty advisor and meet with him or her at least once a month.
- Work with the faculty advisor to form a thesis committee, complete English core course requirements as soon as possible, and register for nine (9) credit hours each semester in year one.
In the second year, full-time students should follow the plan below:
- Work with the faculty advisor and the Graduate English Program Director to determine and to meet all degree requirements and obligations, according to the Graduate School schedule.
- File a degree plan before the third semester in the program.
- Successfully complete the remaining hours of the recommended degree plan, including English 837 -- Thesis in Progress.
- Schedule and sit for the oral examination in the final semester.
- Meet with the thesis committee at least once a month.
- Submit the thesis and/or portfolio according to the Graduate School schedule. (This will allow time for the advisors to review and evaluate the work and to schedule a review of the portfolio or a defense of the thesis. This will also allow time for the candidate to incorporate recommended changes into the thesis.)
- The semester before graduation, submit the Graduation Application and follow all requirements as established by the University’s Graduate School Office.