Undergraduate Major in History
Pursue your special place in History. In pursuing the Bachelor of Arts in History through this instructional unit, students (as first-time degree seekers) are required to declare a minor in a second academic discipline. In contrast, students pursuing the Bachelor of Arts in General Studies (as first-time degree seekers) are NOT required to declare a minor in a second academic discipline. Specific requirements for each undergraduate degree are presented elsewhere in this section, and students are cautioned that grades of "C" or better (where grades of "C-" are unacceptable) must be earned in all courses specified as either major courses or required courses for the minor selected unless otherwise stated below. An exit examination is also required of graduating seniors, and all history majors must complete HIST 420 during their senior year. In addition, students seeking either one of the two B.A. degrees in the disciplines offered are strongly urged to seek detailed advisement from their designated advisors because the selection of a minor having representative courses in the core curriculum or other requirements for the degree sought could impact the total number of credits required. In no case will students qualify for graduation at the undergraduate level with fewer than 120 semester credit hours satisfactorily completed.
Students wishing to pursue one of the two undergraduate degrees or one of the five minors offered through the Department must first gain admission to the University, must satisfy ASSET requirements and eradicate identified deficiencies, and must petition the Department for admission as ASSET requirements are completed. Once admitted, students are each assigned an official faculty advisor who must be consulted with each term to ascertain progress toward graduation. Students are also expected to keep the Department Office apprised of changes in addresses and telephone numbers. Individuals interested in seeking certification for teaching in the public schools of Texas in academic disciplines offered through this Department should contact the Teacher Certification Officer in the College of Education at Texas Southern University for application instructions.
For further information regarding the History major or minor requirements,