Pharm. D. Admission Requirements
Thank you for your interest in Texas Soutbeforeversity College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (COPHS)! All prospective students interested in the Doctor of Pharmacy program are expected to review the admission requirements prior to submitting an application.
Doctor of Pharmacy students with a documented disability, as defined by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, will be referred to the campus Office of Disability Services (ODS). The College will make accommodations on a case-by-case basis with advice from ODS. Students with disabilities who require accommodations for full access and participation must be registered with ODS on the first day of enrollment.
Prerequisite Details
Prerequisite Worksheet for Students
English Composition / Writing
ENGL 1301 - English Composition I or any course that satisfies the 010 - Texas Core Curriculum requirement. (Semester Hours 3)
ENGL 1302 - English Composition II or any course that satisfies the 010 Texas Core Curriculum Requirement. (Semester Hours 3)
Language, Philosophy, and Culture
ENGL 2327 - American Literature I, HIST 2311 - Western Civilizations I, or PHIL 1301 - Intro. to Philosophy is used to satisfy this requirement. Other/Any course that satisfies the 040 Texas Core Curriculum Requirement. (Semester Hours 3)
Creative Arts
ARTS 1301 - Art Appreciation, DANC 2303 – Dance Appreciation, or DRAM 1310 - Theater Appreciation is used to satisfy this requirement. Other/ Any course that satisfies the 050 Texas Core Curriculum Requirement. (Semesters Hours 3)
American History
HIST 1301 - United States History I or HIST 2381 - African American History I is used to satisfy this requirement. Other/Any course that satisfies the 060 Texas Core Curriculum Requirement (American History) (Semester Hours 3)
HIST 1302 - United States History II or HIST 2382 - African American History II is used to satisfy this requirement. Other/ Any course that satisfies the 060 Texas Core Curriculum Requirement (American History) (Semester Hours 3)
Government/Political Science
GOVT 2305 - Generally, GOVT 2305 - Federal Government (Federal constitution & topics) is used to satisfy this requirement. Other/ Any course that satisfies the 070 Texas Core Curriculum Requirement. (Semester Hours 3)
State and Local Governments - Generally, GOVT 2306 - Texas Government (Texas constitution & topics) is used to satisfy this requirement. Other/ Any course that satisfies the 070 Texas Core Curriculum Requirement. (Semester Hours 3)
Social/Behavioral Science
PSYC 2301 - General Psychology, PSYC 2308 - Child Psychology, ECON 2301 - Principles of Macroeconomics, ANTH 2346 - General Anthropology, SOCI 1301 - Introduction to Sociology, or SOCI 2319 - Minority Studies is used to satisfy this requirement. Other/ Any course that satisfies the 090 Texas Core Curriculum Requirement. (Semester Hours 3)
Math 2312 - Precalculus or any course that satisfies the 020 Texas Core Curriculum Requirement. (Semester Hours 3)
***Precalculus is only required if students need it for a Math sequence. If your institution doesn't require precalculus, the requirement will be waived. Elementary Statistics will be used to satisfy the Texas 020 core requirement.
MATH 1342 - Elementary Statistics (Semester Hours 3)
MATH 2413 - Calculus I (Semester Hours 4)
***A 3 SCH calculus course may be accepted, but an additional semester credit hour of general electives will be required.
Biology/Biological Science
General Biology
BIOL 1406 - Biology I with Lab (Semester Hours 4)
*** If your school separates Biology I into a 3 SCH lecture and 1 SCH lab, both individual Courses are required.
BIOL 1407 - Biology II with Lab (Semester Hours 4)
*** If your school separates Biology II into a 3 SCH lecture and 1 SCH lab, both individual Courses are required.
While BIOL 1406 and 1407 are the prescribed courses, 8 SCH of other freshman biology courses can be reviewed by the admissions staff for acceptability in lieu of BIOL 1406 and 1407.
Anatomy & Physiology
BIOL 2404 - Anatomy & Physiology (Semester Hours 4)
*** If your school separates Anatomy & Physiology into a 3 SCH lecture and 1 SCH lab, both individual Courses are required.
***If you take Anatomy & Physiology I and Anatomy & Physiology II, you must take both semesters of A&P with the required labs
BIOL 2420 - Microbiology for Non-Science Majors (Semester Hours 4)
*** If your school separates Microbiology into a 3 SCH lecture and 1 SCH lab, both individual Courses are required.
CHEM 1411 - General Chemistry I (Semester Hours 4)
*** If your school separates General Chemistry I into a 3 SCH lecture and 1 SCH lab, both individual courses are required.
CHEM 1412 - General Chemistry II (Semester Hours 4)
*** If your school separates General Chemistry II into a 3 SCH lecture and 1 SCH lab, both individual courses are required.
CHEM 2423 - Organic Chemistry I (Semester Hours 4)
*** If your school separates Organic Chemistry I into a 3 SCH lecture and 1 SCH lab, both individual Courses are required.
CHEM 2325 - Organic Chemistry II (Semester Hours 4)
*** If your school separates Organic Chemistry II into a 3 SCH lecture and 1 SCH lab, both individual Courses are required
PHYS 1401 - College Physics I (Semester Hours 4)
*** If your school separates College Physics I into a 3 SCH lecture and 1 SCH lab, both individual Courses are required.