
Students will have knowledge of, and access to, University resources that address their personal, emotional, and social needs.


Executive Director of Health Services and Associate Professor of Social Work

Essential Staff:

  • University Health Center
  • Student Services
  • Social Work and Psychology Faculty

Linkages with Other Plays:

  • Institutional Technology - Play 4
  • Campus Engagement – Play 13


  • P-10a: Establish customized wellness activities based on students' reported wellness issues as well as social and academic interests.
  • P-10b: Introduce students to resources and opportunities available at the University that foster physical, intellectual, cultural, emotional, mental, professional, social, and financial wellness.


  1. Administration of Wellness survey (distribution dates and number of students participating) [associated outcome: demonstrating knowledge of campus-based profile]
  2. Development of presentations that address survey results (survey summary results and associated presentations based on results) [associated outcome: utilize available resources for achieving and sustaining various types of health]
  3. Number of presentations (calendar of events/presentations) [associated outcome: demonstrate personal responsibility]
  4. List of students attending presentations (student participation lists)

This structured approach ensures that students are well-supported in their personal, emotional, and social development, promoting overall wellness and access to essential University resources.