
Enhance the college experience for students by offering engagement opportunities that foster collaboration around academic, social, and civic interests.


Residential Life & Housing

Essential Staff:

  • Resident Life Staff
  • Student Services Staff

Linkages with Other Plays:

  • Wellness – Play 10
  • Institutional Technology - Play 4
  • Self-Actualization – Play 9
  • Campus Engagement – Play 13


  • P-14a: Establish customized engagement activities based on students' reported interests.
  • P-14b: Provide students with engagement activities hosted by peers, TSU personnel, alumni, and community leaders.


  1. Utilize post-event survey to determine events and number of residential student events (Calendar of events; define event type: physical, intellectual, cultural, wellness: emotional/mental, professional, social, and financial)
  2. Number of engagement activities (calendar of events/presentations)
  3. Method of communicating activities (marketing/communication plan)
  4. Number of times activities communicated to students (frequency of communications and methods/platforms)
  5. List of students attending activities (Presence student participation report)

This structured approach ensures that students' residential life experience is enriched with meaningful engagement opportunities, fostering a collaborative and supportive community around their academic, social, and civic interests.