
Assist students in completing all registration requirements in a timely manner to support them in enrolling as full-time students in courses included on their degree plan.


Director of Experiential Learning and Enrollment Completion

Essential Staff:

  • Enrollment & Completion Advisors (ECA)
  • College Advisors
  • Financial Aid, Housing, Health, and Testing Staff

Linkages with Other Plays:

  • Application & Admission – Play 1
  • Financial Aid – Play 2
  • Institutional Technology - Play 4
  • Transition to Major – Play 12


  • P-3a: Actively communicate with admitted students in a timely manner.
  • P-3b: Enhance academic advising to ensure students are aware of the proper courses in which they should register, according to their degree plan.


  1. Date students were provided “next step” information and the information that was given (TCLAW)
  2. Number of students assigned advisors (reporting period: the week before Freshman Orientation, and the first week of class; TCLAW)
  3. Date student met with advisor (reporting period: monthly, TCLAW)
  4. Number of times student met with advisor prior to mid-term (reporting period: monthly, TCLAW)
  5. Number of trainings offered to Enrollment Completion Advisors (list of attendees, training topics: TCLAW)

This structured approach ensures that students are well-supported throughout the registration process, promoting timely enrollment and academic success.