
Provide students an awareness of the use of technology that will successfully support them in navigating through platforms such as the MyTSU Portal, T-CLAW, Degree Works, Blackboard, etc.


Office of Information and Technology

Essential Staff:

  • Enrollment and Completion Advisors
  • Tutorial Center Staff
  • University Technology Experts (Blackboard & T-CLAW)

Linkages with Other Plays:

  • Application & Admission – Play 1
  • Financial Aid – Play 2
  • Advising & Registration – Play 3
  • Self-Actualization – Play 9
  • Campus Engagement – Play 13
  • Residential Engagement – Play 14


  • P-4a: Provide students with resources designed to enhance their understanding of University-wide technology platform functionality.


  1. Date of modules during freshman open house (calendar of events and materials shared)
  2. Number of freshman modules (promotions of events, tracking attendance)
  3. Date communication sent to students on how to navigate MyTSU web portal (track virtual orientation participation)
  4. Date in-person/virtual training on Blackboard, MyTSU web, and T-CLAW in FS102 (track participation, indicator for in-person or virtual. What is used as a competency test of student’s learning?)

This structured approach ensures that students are well-supported in their use of institutional technology, promoting better navigation and utilization of university platforms for their academic success.