
Community leaders and inspirational alumni will be keynote speakers at University-wide events designed to share academic and career attainment with students.


QEP Executive Committee

Essential Staff:

  • Enrollment and Completion Advisors
  • Tier 3 Faculty Partners

Linkages with Other Plays:

  • Institutional Technology
  • Self Administration – Play 6
  • Self Awareness – Play 7
  • Self-Actualization – Play 9


  • P-8a: Tier 3 Faculty will identify and establish a collaborative partnership with individuals from the community who could serve as motivation for students.


  1. Number of signature events held (calendar of events)
  2. Number of students attending signature events (track student attendees)
  3. Number of times events are communicated to students (frequency of communications and methods/platforms)

This structured approach ensures that students are inspired by community leaders and alumni, enhancing their motivation and providing them with valuable insights into academic and career success.