Welcome to Texas Southern University College of Education

The College of Education (COE) at Texas Southern University seeks to fulfill its “urban programming” special purpose mission by producing educational professionals who are caring, competent, committed and culturally responsive. Education candidates are engaged actively in programs delivered by excellent faculty and dedicated staff in four departments.
The departments are: Curriculum and Instruction, Counseling, Educational Administration and Foundations, and Health, Kinesiology and Sport Studies through which three undergraduate and seven graduate degrees are offered.
Faculty and staff are committed to emerging as the premier education unit with the privilege and responsibility for preparing candidates with the crucial acquisition of content knowledge, pedagogical skills, and leadership skills so essential to serving students, parents, and communities. In addition, education candidates are encouraged to take advantage of the programmatic experiences, growth-producing relationships, and opportunities for service that will be part and parcel of a very valuable educational conceptual framework for the college.
The information provided herein was designed to assist each of you in the quest for preparation and certification in the public and private schools at the local, state, national and international levels.

Dr. Bernnell Peltier-Glaze

Dr. Bernnell Peltier-Glaze
Interim Dean, College of Education